Call (407) 944-0999 Kissimmee

Call (407) 876-0994 Windermere

EMSculpt Revolutionary Muscle stimulation device delivers electrical impulses to supramaximally contract your muscles. Our practice is proud to have EMSculpt devices at our Fleur de Lis Medispa in our main Kissimmee office and at Windermere Dermatology & Aesthetics. EMSculpt tones your Abs, butt, biceps, triceps, thighs and calves. 20- 30 minutes sessions per body area. Our office is the first in central florida to offer the new arm and leg handpieces! This device contracts your muscles more than could be done in the same time with exercise.... 20,000 contractions in 30 minutes! Redefine your core and lift your booty. Schedule your consultation today 407-944-0999 for Kissimmee and 407-876-0994 for Windermere.